Newsletter: July 2024
A big hearted thank you
We are sending a big hearted thank you to you for supporting us in the way you have! Reading our newsletters or emails, joining our training, Elevenses and taster sessions sending us emails or telling friends and colleagues about us! We are so very grateful.
We would also like to thank Susannah Bradley for her support and contribution to the School of Play and Creative Therapies. Susannah has made the decision to resign from our organisation. We would like to wish you all the best, enjoy your new journey in healing.
This months top news
Keep your eyes peeled for the release of these brand new events soon!
- CPD Course – Dramatic Play
- CPD Course – Life story work with adopted children and young people
Coming soon...
Topic: Outdoor Play Therapy
Facilitated by Alun John and Eileen Braham
When 19/07/2024. Time 11.00-12.00pm (UK)
Online: Free
AutPlay® Therapy Training
Delivered by Robert Grant, creator of AutPlay® Therapy for Neurodivergent Children and Young People.
When: 13/07/2024 – 14/07/2024
Time: 9.30-4.30am.
Venue: Box End Park, Box End, Bedford, MK43 8RQ.
For more information visit the website
Delegates attending in person are invited to enjoy a free Sound Bath, after training on 13/07/2024
Once Upon a Metaphor
When: 20/07/24
Time: 9.00 – 4.30
Venue: Online
Cost: £88
Once Upon an Anti-Hero
When: 05/10/24
Time: 9.00 – 4.30
Venue: Online
Cost: £88
Once Upon an Archetype
When: 11/01/24
Time: 9.00 – 4.30
Venue: Online
Cost: £88
Web Therapy: Supporting Families in Crisis
Facilitated by Alun John
When: 07/09/2024 – 08/09/2024
Time: 9.00-4.00pm
Online: £140.00. Early Bird discount applies if booked by 30/06/2024, £125.00
CPD Points: 12
Exploring the Therapeutic Benefits of Clay to Develop Resilience
Facilitated by Eileen Braham
When: 21/09/2024
Time: 9.00-4.00am.
Venue: Eastry Village Hall, High Street Eastry, Kent, CT13 0HE
CPD Points: 6
Early bird rate applies, see website for further details
Considering our Clients Through Creative Expression of Art and Masks
Facilitated by Eileen Braham
When: 18/01/2025
Time: 9.00-4.00am.
Venue: Eastry Village Hall, High Street Eastry, Kent, CT13 0HE
CPD Points: 6
Early bird rate applies, see website for further details
What has been achieved in recent months
Focused on the topic of “When is a Play Therapist not a Play Therapist”. We had a very relaxed and interesting discussion which ranged from the use of the tool kit, to working non-directively and directive with clients, to the ethical implications of clinical working when incorporating other methodologies of working. More importantly we discovered how many cups of coffee we all drink in a day, or not!
It was great to hear feedback from the group which included:
‘Really constructive discussions. You are very generous with your time offering these sessions. Felt like group supervision. I’ve taken away a lot from this session.’
Something to ponder on...
Teaching, training, transforming! Alun added these three words underneath our logo some time ago. I love these three words, we are never too old or young to be taught, to undertake training, learn from our experiences and be transformed as part of the process!
This time last year developing a training organisation and therapeutic community was not even a twinkle in our minds!
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Lao Tzu
We cannot believe it has been eight months since we came together and developed the School of Play and Creative Therapies.
We have spent endless hours online talking and listening to each other, learning and developing new skills. We have travelled up and down the country, so we could work in each other’s presence, rather than just online! Seeing the wild cows and sheep roaming free in fields, and on the roads in Wales was an experience! We have seen some wonderful countryside during our working breaks, being out in nature has been rejuvenating and has inspired our creativity. The many slices of cake accompanying endless cups of tea has also been very naughty, but well deserved! Our families have been a vital part of our journey with the School of Play and Creative Therapies, they are our constant cheerleaders always routing for us! We certainly would not be where we are today without them!
We felt strongly that kindness should run through everything we do. We feel kindness is crucial to develop and maintain relationships and trust. Why would we not want kindness to flow through our organisation when we all come from a caring background! Kindness is part of our moral basis, our own personal ethical foundation for life, so why not our organisation.
Maya Angelou reminds us “it takes courage to be kind”.
We have always been passionate about learning and ensuring those we teach have a positive learning journey. Learning is wonderful, but it can also be challenging! As learners who come to training with previous knowledge and experience we can often feel disempowered, put into the position of being a novice, forgetting just how skilled we are! We hope we can help enlighten those who train with us to recognise their skills are often transferable, igniting the desire to learn new knowledge and skills to support the mental health of children, young people, parents and adults.
We feel passionately about bringing high quality courses to those working with children, young people, parents, adults working and supporting the mental health of their clients. It took us a long time to decide on the two accrediting organisations for our courses, we are so happy with the choices we made. We believe that having our courses rigorously assessed by independent assessors will verify the quality of our courses and will provide confidence and assurance to those who attend our training. The knowledge that the learning material is regularly updated ensures it does not get tired and out of date. We have big ambitions for projects we would like to achieve and accomplish.
We have been encouraged and humbled by you all, your suggestions, your enquiries and your feedback. We know we are on the right track and we will continue to be open to listening. This is our commitment to all who learn with the School of Play and Creative Therapies.
We have some exciting new developments under wraps and cannot wait to share these with you in coming months.
“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls” - Joseph Campbell
Please share and recommend the School of Creative Therapies your colleagues and friends, so our community can continue to grow.

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